
Net Promoter Score

What is a Net Promoter Score Exactly?

We speak to so many people in the goods and services industry who know the importance of having a Net Promoter Score, but who are not sure why it’s so important or what it is exactly.  So, what is it exactly? The Net

customer satisfaction surveys

How to get customers to take your Feedback Survey

It’s already well established that if your business relies on consumers, you need to be surveying them to ensure they are happy and will return… often! Customer Satisfaction Surveys enable you to tap into your greatest source of learning: your current customers. Not

Work from home

Work from Home – How to Make it Work

A while back we posted an article about how our team work from home and it was one of our most popular pieces. This was pre-Covid 19 and pre-restrictions, when work from home was for convenience and lifestyle rather than a necessary health