
How to keep the mystery in mystery shopper

How to Keep the Mystery in Mystery Shopping

In order for mystery shopping programs to work, mystery shoppers must remain mysterious. Stating the obvious, right? But it can sometimes be challenging for mystery shoppers to maintain anonymity while conducting mystery shops. Mystery shoppers have the unique task of having to act

Restaurant mystery diners secret shopping

Seven Reasons Every Restaurant Needs a Mystery Shopping Program

Every restaurant needs a mystery shopping program. Enjoying evenings at home have never been more achievable, with food delivery services and Netflix, so the advantage great face-to-face customer service gives a business has never been more important. How can noisy crowds, difficult parking,

set benchmarks to drive customer service excellence

Set Benchmarks to Drive Customer Service Excellence

Delivering outstanding customer service is crucial to retaining customers and gaining a competitive edge in today’s market. So how can businesses ensure they consistently meet, and exceed, customer expectations? The answer lies in setting benchmarks for their customer service. This is the only

Mystery Shoppers look like regular customers

Everything you need to know about becoming a Mystery Shopper

Occasionally one of the news programs will run a story on Mystery Shoppers, saying how it’s easy money, quoting three-figure payments and generally making us wonder why Gina Reinhardt bothers with mining when you can get paid to shop. So if it’s not

Celebration culture celebrating business achievements and milestones

Celebration Culture: Acknowledging Business Milestones and Achievements

As a business, achieving longevity and success is a cause for celebration. At Above Benchmark, we are proud to announce our 22 years in the mystery shopping industry. It’s a significant milestone that reflects our dedication to providing exceptional service, delivering valuable insights